Town of Cumberland

Contact Person: Craig Moriak

390 5th Street NW #108

Clear Lake WI 54005


2018 Building Permit and Process Checklist

Wisconsin Online Building Permit Application (NEW DWELLINGS ONLY)

Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application (FOR EVERYTHING BESIDES NEW DWELLINGS)

Erosion Control Regulations Checklist

Building Cross Section Aide

How long is the building permit good for?
You have 24 months to get the building weather tight.

What needs a building permit?
1 and 2 family houses, All additions to houses built since 1980 and Manufactured homes built after 2007.

What is exempt?
Residing and reroofing and projects less than $15,000

How is the building permit fee determined?
New house permit fees are determined using the following formula.
$100 plus $3.75 per $1000 of project valuation. The project valuation is the total of the following calculations.
Living area                  $88.50 sq/ft
Basement                    $30.00 sq/ft
Garage                         $30.00 sq/ft
Deck                            $16.50 sq/ft

A State permit seal of $35 is added if the project is a new dwelling.

An administration fee of $50 is added to the permit fee.

A permit application fee of $50 will be added if additional assistance is needed.